Mostiglass®: the solution adapted to communities, industrialists and professionals


A product adapted to the requirements

Mostiglass® offers a variety of products, including fixed frames, hinged frames, wheel, single and double doors, as well as single and double sliding systems, suitable for needs of communities.

These products meet the strict requirements of communities in terms of safety and of sustainability.
The raw material used to manufacture Mostiglass® glazing is guaranteed for 10 years by the supplier as well as the frames which meet the QUALICOAT quality labels and QUALIMARINE.

Learn more about Mostiglass® product frames

Compliance with health standards

Mostiglass® products comply with health standards established for collective catering services, agro-industrial installations and ventilation systems.

GoCap - company labeled “Young Innovative Company”

The use of Mostiglass® products and technology does not require go through a tender process, because GoCap, the manufacturer of Mostiglass®, holds the “Young Innovative Company” label.

Logo Jeune Entreprise Innovante

Examples of uses with Mostiglass®

Catering services
(kitchen, baby bottles, canteen, etc.)

Regulations require that premises be equipped with mosquito nets, Mostiglass® products play this role.

Buildings welcoming vulnerable people who may be bothered by harmful insects
(Residential care homes)

Mostiglass® products protect against pests coming from outside and are 100% effective against the tiger mosquito.

Buildings requiring secure ventilation
(Nurseries, schools, administrative buildings, police stations, etc.)

Mostiglass® products with frames are vandal-proof and limit the risk of theft and projectile throwing.

Buildings with permanent ventilation
(gyms, etc.)

Mostiglass® technology prevents the intrusion of harmful animals such as rodents or pigeons.

Are you a community, an industrialist or a professional?

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Innovation patented since 2018

Mostiglass® is a patented innovation

Environmentally Friendly

Mostiglass® products use durable and recyclable materials, require no energy to operate, and do not need insecticides.

Made in France

Our products are made in our premises in Hinx (Aquitaine, France)

10-Year Warranty

The raw material used to manufacture Mostiglass® glazing is guaranteed for 10 years by the supplier.


Company supported by the region Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Logo région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

GoCap, manufacturer of Mostiglass® products, is supported by quality institutions.