Protection against tiger mosquitoes
and various pests


The tiger mosquito

Present in France since 2004, the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is considered harmful due to its ability to transmit various pathogens responsible for serious illnesses to humans.
It is particularly feared because of its role as a vector for viruses such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika. These illnesses can cause serious symptoms and even long-term complications.

In addition to its ability to transmit diseases, the tiger mosquito is often considered an everyday nuisance due to its bites, which can cause itching and allergic reactions in some people.
Its invasive presence in urban areas increases the risk of diseases spread, as it breeds easily in containers of stagnant water common in urban settings.
Effective management of the tiger mosquito population is therefore essential to mitigate the health risks associated with this species.

The tiger mosquito now colonizes 71 French departments. The General Directorate of Health, which records the presence of this mosquito on the national territory each year, has taken stock of the year 2022.
The establishment of the tiger mosquito is progressing continuously and rapidly.

Protection against pests

Due to its design, Mostiglass® acts as a barrier offering an effective solution against all types of pests larger than 2mm:

  • Flies: House flies can transmit diseases by landing on contaminated surfaces, and they are often associated with hygiene problems.
  • Cockroaches: proliferate in kitchens, food storage areas and damp places, causing hygiene problems.
  • Mosquitoes: Responsible for transmitting diseases like malaria and dengue, mosquitoes are common pests in many parts of the world.
  • Rats: present in town and in the countryside, these rodents can transmit diseases and damage your environment

Faced with the inconvenience of everyday pests and the health problems caused by tiger mosquitoes, Mostiglass® offers a solution preventing these insects from entering without resorting to insecticides while preserving our environment.


First certified 100% effective solution
against tiger mosquitoes without insecticides

Mostiglass® has obtained validation from IRD / WHO, the IRD laboratory being accredited by the WHO (World Health Organization).

The IRD (Research Institute for Development) is a French public research organization multidisciplinary which, for nearly 80 years, has been engaged in equitable partnerships with Southern countries and French overseas territories.
Actor of the international development agenda, it places its priorities in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Logo IRD : Institut de Recherche pour le développement

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